Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy 30th, Timberline Tours

Quick congrats to Timberline Tours, a hiking and bicycling outfitter turning 30. Founded by "recovering attorneys," Timberline takes its business seriously, but not itself: "As we teeter on the brink of our 30th year and muse over the manner in which our world has changed in the meantime, what hasn't changed is how we feel about what we do....Thirty more years? Hmm, maybe not, but the 30th for sure."

I bicycled with Timberline back when I easily rode 75 to 100 miles a day. Yes, that was a while ago. But this little company still faithfully sends its catalog each year -- and it still provides a fine example of a well-run family business. New owners will take over in year 31. Fortunately, they're training with founders Dick and Carol, so Timberline should remain in good hands.