Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Displaying company culture on the wall

Here's a stellar summation of corporate culture:

The Honest Worker

In other companies there are often displayed in places of honor pictures of pioneers and founders of those organizations. An aura of majesty, power and importance generally surrounds such portraiture. At JLM, Inc. we rather dedicate that place of honor to picture that nameless individual -- our typical worker -- who by dint of honest, skillful and resourceful effort has created this great organization and has assured it a continuing and important place in the commerce of this area.

This worker pictured has completed an honest day's work. He has done his job to the very best of his ability, and his entire being reflects the dignity and personal reward of having made his contribution to his family, his employer and his community. He is indeed a happy, confident, strong individual.

We hereby honor him -- a tribute which lives and lasts.

Written decades ago, these words greet visitors to the headquarters of Joseph L. Muscarelle, Inc., a family-owned business in Maywood, NJ, celebrating its 90th year. JLM develops office, industrial, retail, and hotel projects in the northeast and southeast U.S. The family name may be familiar to graduates of The College of William & Mary, as JLM founder Joseph L. Muscarelle (W&M ’27) and his wife Margaret were major benefactors of W&M's Muscarelle Museum (shown here), as well as the Muscarelle Center at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

Corporate storytelling and business anniversary tip: Any company can, and should, display its history and corporate culture for all to see. But as always, displaying works only if you walk the talk.

Thanks to Eli Amdur for sharing "The Honest Worker" story via this column in The Record of North Jersey.