Monday, February 24, 2014

Mainframes at 50

Ads in business publications by CA Technologies (also known as Computer Associates) certainly snapped my head around. Tagline: "50: Radical Then. Radical Now." Copy: "The Mainframe. 50 years of powering the extraordinary." Do mainframes even still exist after 50 years, much less qualify as radical? Apparently they do, and they're going strong.

CA's business anniversary link is clunky, requiring two click-throughs, but once you arrive there's a decent company history overview, a nerdy contest for IT folks (per Commandment 1 of's 10 Commandments for About Us Pages: Know thy audience), and feel-good info on an anniversary-related charity ("We’re donating globally to educate next generation technologists. Click to choose the charity of your choice"). 

Kudos to CA for leveraging its 50th anniversary to remind us all that mainframes are alive and well, and for using that anniversary in service of technology education.